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Please note: If you need help finding just the right globe, feel free to call us at our offices in Halls, Tennessee between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, US Central Time, Monday through Friday. Our office phone number is: 731-836-9057. If you are calling from the U.S., you can reach us on our toll-free number: 800-748-9946.
• How Old Is My Globe?
As you probably know, globes are not dated as are most books or maps. Globes were advertised to be “up-to-date” or “up to the minute”, thus to date them would defeat this.
A globe can only be dated by the geographical-political names and borders found on it. Photographs of entire globe and close-up of orb are helpful. In order to see if we can use it, you'll need to answer a few questions about your globe. Listed here are some key geographical features to look for:
- 1817 – New Holland becomes Australia
- 1819 – Florida ceded by Spain to U.S.
- 1831-33 – discovery of Endrby's Land in antarctic
- 1845 – Texas becomes a state
- 1846 – Van Diemen’s Land becomes Tasmania
- 1850 – California becomes a state
- 1853 – Gadsden Purchase adds S. AZ & NM south of Gila River
- 1858 – 1st trans-Atlantic telegraph cables completed
- 1866 – 2nd trans-Atlantic telegraph cable completed
- 1867 – Russian Territory becomes Alaska
- 1868-1918 – Austro-Hungarian Empire
- 1869 – Suez Canal completed
- 1873 – Yellowstone National Park appears in NW Wyoming
- 1878 – Cyprus become British
- 1878 – Serbia, Montenegro and Romania independent
- 1885 – Congo Free State (Congo State)
- 1885-1903 – German West Africa
- 1885-1908 – Congo Free State
- 1889 – North and South Dakota form in the US
- 1889 – Phoenix replaces Tucson as capital of Arizona
- 1895 – Rhodesia named
- 1899 - Philippines & Puerto Rico (U.S.)
- 1900 – Cook island annexed by New Zealand
- 1902 - Orange Free State created in S. Africa – Cuba independent – Boer War ends
- 1903 – Panama independent
- 1905 – Sakhalin divided: Japan/Russia
- 1907 – Panama Canal – (opened 1914)
- 1907 - Eastern Oklahoma was called Indian Territory until 1907
- 1909 – Canberra Capital of Australia
- 1910 – Chosen (not Korea)
- 1910-1940? – Country of Islamestan (shown in Western China)
- 1910-1961 – Union of South Africa
- 1914-1924 (only) – Saint Petersburg in Russia named “Petrograd”
- 1918 – Yugoslavia created – “Russia” and “Austro-Hungarian Empire” disappear
- 1919 – Treaty of Versailles in Europe. Polish Corridor, Balkan States, Czechoslovakia, etc. formed
- 1922 – Russia now Soviet Union
- 1924-1991 – Saint Petersburg in Russia called Leningrad
- 1925 (post) – Oslo, Norway
- 1926-31 – Central Australia
- 1928-1949 – Peking named Peiping
- 1930 – Constantinople to Istanbul
- 1931-45 – Japan annexes Manchuria, names it “Manchoukuo”
- 1932 – Arabia become Saudi Arabia
- 1935 – Persia become Iran
- 1935-1941 - Italy invades Ethiopia. Names region “Italian East Africa”
- 1936 – Saar Plebecite Nazi's take Rhineland
- 1938 – Austria annexed, Sudetenland invaded
- 1939 – Nazis seize half of Poland; Russia the other half. “Phoney” war begins
- 1940 – Nazis “Blitzkrieg” France, Western Europe
- 1945 – Annan (sometimes in Vietnam-before 1945)
- 1945 – Nazis defeated. Germany divided into East and West
- 1945 – Chosen changed to Korea
- 1947 – India independent. West and East Pakistan formed
- 1948 – State of Israel formed
- 1950 – Indo-China no longer French
- 1953, July 27 – Panmunjom Truce. Korea divides into North and South
- 1953-63 – Federation of Rhodesia & Nyasaland
- 1954, July 22 – Vietnam divided. French defeated
- 1958-1961 – Only Egypt and Syria united under Nasser as “United Arab Republic”
- 1962-1965 – Only Egypt called “United Arab Republic”
- 1971 – Revolt in Pakistan. East Pakistan becomes “Bangladesh”
- 1975 – Vietnam War over. Saigon named “Ho Chi Minh City”
- 1979 – for less than one year Central African Republic was called “Central African Empire”
How is your globe mounted? Has it a meridian, the ruler like scale that supports the orb, the round sphere? Does the meridian go all the way around or only half way? Does it move or is it firmly fixed to the base? Is the globe a table or floor model? How wide is the orb through the center, (diameter)? 12 inches is about the size of a basketball. Condition of the orb is very important. Any defects should be described. “Full Mount” means globe has a flat horizon ring around the equator, as well as a full meridian and stand. Full Mounts are preferable.
The title and publisher information on many globes is found in the Pacific Ocean area, either on a little label, or on a small area called a cartouche. Starting at the top, spell out exactly what it says completely. The major American globe manufacturers are Cram, Rand-McNally, Replogle and Weber-Costello. Globes with surfaces printed in England were W. & A.K. Johnston and Nystrom. J. Chein and The Ohio Art Company made novelty or “Kitsch” globes and globe banks.
We are always interested to know what you have found. We are seeking unusual stands and above average globes. If you have something you think fits these criteria, click the link below to see all the ways to get in touch with us: